Baby Gourmet Giveaway!
March 1st, 2011
A while ago I tweeted:
“I don’t make my own baby food, I use Pampers, AND I formula feed. Next thing you know I’ll be skinning live cats just to watch them bleed.”
There seems to be an ideal path we’re supposed to take as mothers and if yours happens to include the aforementioned trespasses, you’re often viewed as a lesser mother. I’d love to be the kind of woman who sews her own curtains, gaily wrings out turd-soaked cloth diapers and daydreams about making her own organic, homemade pureed baby food, but I am busy with so many other things that it simply has not been a priority for me. That doesn’t mean I don’t think that wholesome foods aren’t worth striving for and I believe it’s important to present our children with a varied and healthy diet. If there are ways to make it possible that don’t involve my hunching over a food processor for hours, I’m all for them!
I was sent a sample package of Baby Gourmet’s line of pureed foods and they were put to excellent use in our house. They come in handy, easy-to-open pouches that can be resealed and stored in the fridge. We just began introducing solids to Brinley and she loved the Baby Gourmet selections. I really liked the unique combinations of fruits and vegetables. We even used them in smoothies for the older girls (I just squeezed in a pouch of the Baby Gourmet and mixed it with some vanilla yogurt and frozen berries) and it was a big hit.
Their foods are 100% organic, made without any weird fillers or added sugars or salt, and their packaging is BPA free. Believe it or not, disposable diapering heathen of a mother that I am, those things are important to me!
If you would like to win your own sample pack of Baby Gourmet, all you have to do is “like” their page on Facebook, then hop back here and leave a comment telling me how you get your kids to eat well.
Contest closes March 25, 2011 and is open to residents of Canada.
Update: According to the winner is #10 whose comment belongs to Carolyn! Thanks for playing, everyone!
March 2nd, 2011 at 12:30 am
I do make my own babyfood, it’s super easy and my kids were really easy to feed (I sure wouldn’t want to eat jarred babfood, it smells SO bad) but once they’re onto solid food the easiness kind of goes away… the book Deceptively Delicious is great for sneaking the healthy stuff into tasty foods. I actually use those recipes to get MYSELF to eat better, too!
March 3rd, 2011 at 5:28 pm
My kids like broccoli. I don’t so I don’t know why they do. We have a book that talks about what happens to food when you eat and Micah loves the fact that theirs nutrients in his food. Go figure.
March 3rd, 2011 at 5:56 pm
My kids like certain fruits and veggie so we usually just stick to those ones.
March 3rd, 2011 at 6:11 pm
My kids are pretty good at eating fruits but raw veggies they will eat with dip and cooked things like broccoli with cheese sauce. But the best is in the summer – they love eating fresh from the garden in the backyard!
March 3rd, 2011 at 6:15 pm
My daughter is just like her dad and will eat anything – she will even try anything. Her fav foods are fruits and veggies. My oldest boy is a totally different story, he doesn’t like anything that is good for him (just like his mom!) So I’ve started hiding veggies in my meals. Carrots in my chili, broccoli in my spaghetti sauce (chopped quite small), shredded carrots in meat loaf.
March 3rd, 2011 at 6:18 pm
Blake eats well so far by eating only breastmilk! Easy peasy so far! I do plan on making his baby food when the time comes. At least some of it.
March 3rd, 2011 at 6:23 pm
I did make my own baby food, and I use cloth diaper (there is no wringing out poo involved!) Now that he is older smoothies are my life savers. I have found some that even include tomato (sounds gross…. really wasn’t).
March 3rd, 2011 at 6:57 pm
My kids are actually big fans of fruits and veggies, so I don’t really do anything special to convince them to eat well. I just pack their lunches full of healthy foods and avoid sugary treats most of the time.
I like your smoothie idea! My kids love smoothies.
March 3rd, 2011 at 7:30 pm
My kids are of the crazy variety that actually like vegetables. But, these baby gourmet things will come in nice and handy in about 6-7 months when the next one will start solids. And, that smoothie idea of yours is brilliant! I have to try that.
March 3rd, 2011 at 8:50 pm
I’ve actually been pretty lucky with Evanie as far as eating goes. She currently begs for broccoli….I don’t even like broccoli. However, with daycare she sees all the tasty crackers, gummy fruity things, and juice the other kids bring and she’s suddenly aware that I’ve been holding out on her! poo… However, smoothies, fruit sauces, and yogurt are ALWAYS her favorite so I would find good use for baby gourmet. Pick me!
March 3rd, 2011 at 9:41 pm
Mostly, I try to ensure that we don’t have a lot of “junk” food around the house, and always keeping healthy options accessible. Unfortunately, that also means leaving the diet coke in the car. Heh.
March 7th, 2011 at 7:32 pm
They look delish! My kind of baby food.
March 7th, 2011 at 8:00 pm
my kid is still in utero so I have full control over what it eats
March 7th, 2011 at 8:08 pm
I made some of our son’s baby food but mostly he liked the Superstore Organics food. He refused the Heinz (which I noticed had at least 3x’s the amount of Sodium!!!!)
Anyways back on track. I try to always get Gavin to eat his veggies and meats first then the rest is mostly filler as carbs and fruits are what he really prefers.
For snacks I ALWAYS offer frozen veggies (great for teething) his favs are peas & green beans (whole).
I look forward to exploring Baby Gourmet with our new addition set to arrive the end of May!
March 8th, 2011 at 1:31 am
Indy is all about breastmilk and boycotting the bottle. I DO think she is going to be ready for solids soon as she is becoming a hungrier little girl. So I should probably win this! We did can lots of fruit and applesauce last year so I hope to incorporate that into her diet when the time comes.
March 8th, 2011 at 4:51 pm
I laughed so hard when I read your first line. Love it! haha. I wish I could say I had made our little one’s baby food from scratch but it didn’t happen. I did always choose organic food for her (Earth Baby)and she is a fairly good eater but this food looks wonderful and we are expecting again so I would love to try it!
March 8th, 2011 at 11:02 pm
One of the first things I gave my girls wer frozen peas for teething and the LOVE veggies. I dunno maybe start with a least favourite and then they’ll like most vessies. Meat is an issue sometimes. But I have actaully said “you can’t have anymore vegetables until you finish your pizza!” Who’d a thought.