I don’t want to jinx it, but I have really just been enjoying my kids lately.
That sounds bad, and implies that I don’t usually enjoy them, which isn’t true.
I don’t want to jinx it, but I have really just been enjoying my kids lately.
That sounds bad, and implies that I don’t usually enjoy them, which isn’t true.
This fall the kids and I had the opportunity to be in a Christmas musical that our church was putting on. The kids were in the choir and practiced weekly for months on end, and I had one of the acting roles.
Steve quit his job last week.
A job he loved, was amazing at, and had so many great things about it.
A couple years ago we ventured to a nearby fruit stand for all three girls to pick out a pumpkin for Halloween.
Last week, Danielle of Soltura Photography came and spent the early evening with us, catching the last of the autumn sunlight and snapping a schwack of photos of our family.
My kids are finally back to school! For those of you who didn’t know, the BC Teachers were on strike so our usual two-month summer break was extended to 13 weeks of desperate uncertainty.