My baby is new every morning. I never know what kind of day she has up her sleeve and it’s anyone’s guess if she’ll be feeling sleepy or fussy or wide-eyed or angry that it’s taking me more than 4.2 seconds to give her the milk she’s howling for. In truth, the times of howling have been limited and far between and I am so thankful for that. I realize that colic usually turns up around week 2-3 so I’m not yet in the clear but I am hoping that Avelyn remains as generally content as she is now. Yesterday she was awake all day long, just looking around and fighting the urge to sleep. Then she was a fuss pot in the evening and I thought I was going to be in for a trying night of inconsolable screaming. But no, she konked out at nine p.m. and woke every three hours to feed then went right back to bed. And today she has been happy as a clam, just eating and sleeping and pooping some of the juiciest poops I have ever laid eyes on.
She was a gem for the doctor today and I was proud of her. To my delight she has continued to gain weight and is nearly back up to her birth weight.
She is sleeping contentedly in her crib as I type and I am not actually too exhausted. I realize that this is a boring post filled with nothing that would be of interest to anyone other than Avelyn’s mother, but hey, I’m a new mom and I’m allowed to talk about her sleeping and eating and defecating patterns every now and again.
Tonight I am going to give her a bath and hopefully take some cute pictures to post.
Ta-ta for now!
Not boring at all Amanda. It sounds like things are progressing nicely. She is such a little honey. I guess I will not be able to see her in person, cuz Jen and Jordan are moving back before the time we were expected to visit. I’m so happy to see pictures of your gorgeous baby. Post more. She’s so precious.
Hi Amanda. I’m sure you probably don’t remember me much(from Capes) but I linked to your site through Abbey and I’ve been reading your posts and it’s been pretty neat to follow along with you through pregnancy,etc. It’s refreshing to hear all the fun and not fun and reality of it all. I recently got married(2 months ago) and we’ll be starting a family in a couple of years and it’s interesting to get a sneak peak into it all(nothing like babysitting at all). Anyways, just thought I’d drop a little note. You sound like an absolutely amazing mom so far. Congrats and God Bless.
As IF I don’t want to hear this stuff. I’m looking forward to holding her tomorrow :)
You post about the joys of being a mom anytime you like. ALmost every mother can relate and the proof is in our own blogs and the numerous pictures we take of our kids playing the sand, making faces, or just looking adorable.
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