Family Matters, My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0

Everything Old Is New Again

I don’t want to jinx it, but I have really just been enjoying my kids lately.

Steve + Amanda Family 2014 (68)

That sounds bad, and implies that I don’t usually enjoy them, which isn’t true. But for the last eight years, the moments of enjoyment have often been outweighed by sisterly fighting, tantrums, and general grumpiness. I often felt knocked down by the collective force of all three girls and their huge, swirling personalities that took on a life of their own and curb-stomped my face.

Anyhoo. It’s been better, these days. They are actually playing. TOGETHER. And not clawing each other’s eyes out. And they are laughing. TOGETHER. And not punching each other in the neck.

It’s the little things.

As we enter this (hopefully long-lived) new phase, I have also really been enjoying introducing the girls to things that I loved as a child. We spent the Christmas holiday watching all sorts of old-school shows that I used to adore and got to relive my love for with the kids.

Here is my list of “Old Awesome Stuff That My Kids Like As Much As I Did When I Was Little”

1. A Christmas Story


This was our go-to holiday classic when my brother and I were kids. I wasn’t sure if our girls would like it, since it’s set kind of in the olden days but they basically peed their pants laughing. I was so proud.

2. Family Matters


Remember TGIF? When all the greatest shows were on back-to-back every Friday night and you’d pop some popcorn and hunker down for an evening of amazing television viewing? SO GOOD. My kids cracked up so hard at every Steve Urkel did and it was so fun to re-watch these episodes.

3. Full House


This is on Netflix now (praise be) and the girls just eat it up. They love that it centers on three sisters and they see themselves in the characters. So fun!

In more recent development, we found this gem on Netflix and I was the one who peed laughing. It is hilarious! Really!


So, basically, we watched a lot of TV in December, OK? But we watched it TOGETHER.