
Getting Krafty



I have often lamented my “all or nothing” approach to cooking, cleaning and all things domestic.

I’ll procrastinate about laundry all week long, then have no choice but to chain myself to the dozens of waiting heaps of clean clothes so the kids have undies again. I’ll let the paperwork multiply like rabbits on the countertop before angrily gathering it in my arms and carting it downstairs to the filing cabinet. I’ll cook an elaborate meal, tire myself out with preparing the over-ambitious spread, then throw boiled weenies at my family for the rest of the week since I zapped all my culinary energy in one fell swoop.

I need a little help, is what I’m saying.

That’s where Kraft comes in. They have this great new program called Kraft Recipe By Email where you can sign up for weekly meal inspiration, to keep your cooking ambitions top of mind and help get you excited about what’s going on the table each night. I really do have good intentions, and tools like this are just what I need to help reign in my free-wheelin’ tendencies. (Pretty sure boiled weenies won’t be on their list.)

They have also created Kraft First Taste, a new online community for food lovers.


I love sites like this where you can share ideas, comment on recipes and glean inspiration from fellow chefs.

I think both of these features from Kraft will be welcome additions to my family’s meal-planning experience. Happy cooking!