Family Matters, My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0

Family Camp

We spent the past weekend with our church family at Green Bay Bible Camp for our annual Family Camp. It was fun. And exhausting. Once again, my kids won the award for the dirtiest kids at camp and wore their scummy jammies for most of the weekend.

The second night, Avelyn wet the bed, Brin woke up howling at 2 am, and Karenna had to take a four foot-long dump at five in the morning. Hence, the crazy eyes.

There was a clown there who painted the kids’ faces and Karenna requested to have hers done like Angus, the dark blue horse, from the movie “Brave.” She looked like a member of the Blue Man Group, but she felt amazing, so that’s what counts.

We spent most of the time at the waterfront, boating, kayaking, jumping off the diving dock, and soaking in the last of the summer’s sun.

It was swell.




  • It really, truly was.

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