Family Matters, Uncategorized

A Conversation I Thought I’d Never Have

Today my mom called me up and after a few minutes of small talk she confessed, “The real reason I’m calling is because I want to know what a MILF is. I saw that someone called you that in a comment on your blog yesterday. So, what’s a MILF?”


I had to explain this horrid acronym to my mom. She was a little appalled. I told her that it sounded worse than it was, but that it has grown to become a common slang term.

She said she guessed I should take it as a compliment, albeit a rather crude one.



  • That would be really awkward to explain! I’m sure you did it very tastefully.

  • You could have just sent her to me. I would’ve set her straight.

  • One of the older ladies at work got called a MILF. I didn’t know what to do, so I told her to Google it on my computer while I watched for her reaction. She did. Then her jaw hit the floor.
    Part of her was horrified, part of her was pleased.
    Funny thing that slang.

  • I have to admit I wasn’t totally sure what a “milf” was either, but kind of figured it out. Here’s a way you could have explained it to your Mama…”Mother I’d Like to Find” (polite form; from movie American Pie)
    But you’re right…take it as a compliment – depending upon who gave it I guess!

  • I LOVE it! I laughed outloud imagining myself trying to explain the concept of “MILF” (which is totally a compliment) to my 60 year old mother!

  • Shouldn’t she be kinda proud too though? And btw, My Mom is kind of out of the loop too, and I would’ve been a little red in the face explaining that to my Momma too. But it would’ve been fun, and we would’ve giggled over it… Or at least I would’ve. :)

  • YWS

  • At Simon’s sister’s wedding reception, her groom was making a speech to thank everyone, and he called Simon’s mom “the best MIL (mother-in-law) a guy could have.” The PA he was using was a little fuzzy, though, so about half of the people there thought he said MILF and we all just about died laughing. We had to explain what a MILF was to all kinds people who probably didn’t really need to know.

    (When I was babysitting once, a kid on the street called me MILF. Ha.)

  • that’s pretty funny…. I hope I never have to do that?!?!

  • Wow am I feeling old. I being of the same generation as your mom also did not know what milf meant. I googled it and my jaw hit the floor too. You learn something everyday. Although it is kind of a compliment,I guess?

  • I wonder why everyone’s scandalized by “MILF,” but not “hottest mommy blogger.” Is there a difference between “hot mommy” and MILF? Either way, people are saying that you look do-able. (And–at least to your straight male/gay female readership–there’s not a hint of daylight between “hot mommy” and MILF.) Either you’re offended at being objectified, or you’re not.

    On a humorous note, this reminds me of the apocryphal story of the guy who propositioned a woman at a party. He offered her a million dollars. ($578 Canadian, I reckon.) She said she’d entertain the idea. Then he asked, “well how about for $50?” She demanded, angrily, “What do you think I am?”

    He replied: “We know what you are. Now we’re just haggling over price.”

  • […] week I was telling her about the reality of my MILF-aliciousness and now I’m clearing up all of her internet […]

  • Just found your blog through amalah. You are decidedly MILFarific, and funny to boot. :)

    Years ago my mom paused the movie “Stepmom,” turned to me, and asked, “What’s a snowball?”

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