Little O' This

What Dreams May Come

Twice I dreamt of positive pregnancy tests, and twice the morning following the dream I peed on a stick and saw a plus sign. Avelyn and Karenna first appeared in my unconscious. True story.

Imagine my delight, then, when I vividly dreamt of rolling up the rim of a Tim Horton’s coffee cup and winning a new car. Totally a sign, right? Look at my record of prophetic dreams! So, I bought the coffee, drank it quickly and rolled up the rim.

“Please Play Again”



  • Did you order the same size as in your dream? Maybe it was unspecified and you need to try them all…

  • Based on the first sentence, I thought this was going to be a pregnancy announcement! My heart was beating so fast! Haha.

    Sorry about all of the losing. I have won (a coffee or latte) on about 50% of my cups so maybe you need me to buy you one to turn your luck around. :)

  • Oh that is good. You are very tricky Amanda!! I thought you were announcing a surprise pregnancy. A surprise win on the roll up would have been awesome too!

  • You’re making me want to … get a coffee. I’ve never played Roll Up The Rim. True story.

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