Life of Leisure (Bah!)

Neither Here Nor There

I don’t know what happened to the whole “this summer is going to be so mellow and relaxing and I’m just going to enjoy every minute of life with all the kids at the beach” deal. We’ve had crummy weather and have only braved the beach a couple times, the kids have been driving me BONKERS, the house is in a perpetual state of disarray, and I fall into bed each night completely spent. There are still plenty of beautiful moments amidst the chaos and I’m doing my best to focus on the good and not let the challenging times get the better of me, but yeah, life with three kids as small as ours is pretty demanding.

I’ve been keeping up with my blog over at UrbanMoms, though, so if you feel like catching up on my latest ponderings, you can head on over and read about the Middle Child Syndrome or how I think we’re going to have to take out a third mortgage in order to pay for the kids to take ballet classes.