

As part of the UrbanMoms network, we were made aware of the realities of bacterial meningitis. Please take a few minutes and watch this video:

It shares the experience of a young boy named Keaton who, when he was only nine years old, became suddenly ill with flu-like symptoms which rapidly progressed into a life-threatening case of bacterial meningitis. He ended up having both of his legs amputated and multiple skin grafts on his arms. Keaton is now a teenager who enjoys working on cars, playing guitar and doing all the things he always hoped he would, but his life has obviously been changed forever by bacterial meningitis. His mother said something in the video that stuck with me, that she no longer takes all those little things for granted anymore. I have heard that sentiment so many times, but from her experience it strikes more deeply. She went from having a healthy young boy to almost losing him and then, after he thankfully survived, he had to learn how to navigate life as a double amputee. I am the kind of person who easily focuses on the minor discomforts of life: babies not sleeping through the night, kids throwing tantrums all day, how much it sucks having to go on a diet, etc. But really, how trivial are those challenges in the grand scheme of all there is to lose? Very. And I am trying to make more of an effort to let thankfulness prevail in our home.

I didn’t know how serious bacterial meningitis could be and I’m thankful for the vaccines that presently exist for the certain strains, and that new vaccines are being developed for the strains that our kids are not yet protected against.



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