My Girl 3.0, Work It

Under the Gums

Brinley got her first tooth! She barely made a fuss and then there was a little white nub poking through her gums. The tooth next to it is getting ready for its debut but hasn’t broken through yet. I feel a little like that tooth: I write my real estate final exam in six weeks and feel as though I have to hide under the surface of life for a while, my face in the books, studying all hours of the day, and then after I’m done and have (hopefully) passed, I will emerge and say, “Hello! Here I am! I am shiny and new!”

I started the course when Brinley was six weeks old and am so pleased with all I’ve accomplished, considering how little sleep and sanity I have had access to over the past seven months, but there’s still this looming pressure to pass the exam or else all that work will have been for nothing. Augh! So much to do!!

Anyways, if it’s quiet(er than usual) around here, it’s because I’m either cramming for the test or having anxiety diarrhea. Both should keep me quite occupied.


  • I can’t imagine how you have done everything up to this point! Will be remembering you as you prepare for your exam.

  • Good luck!!! You’ll do great!!

  • Yay Amanda AND Brinley for making it through these weeks!

  • Two things: congratulations first of all! I can’t imagine juggling all that!
    Secondly, I have a dim memory of you saying that you like to even the score of misery by attacking the mothers of easy teethers. Does this mean I can punch you in the neck now? :) :)

  • You can do it! I know you can. :)

  • You got this!!!!! :D

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