
Boot(y) Camp

Did you all catch Whoorl’s post last week about her experience at boot camp? You need to check out her amazing, post-baby transformation. Seeing her rock-hard abs and the proud smile on her face was the final push I needed to decide to try a boot camp exercise class for myself.

A friend of mine in town, Tannis, was recently certified in the Tyson Method, which is an amazing boot camp exercise program designed specifically for moms and my interest was piqued in taking one of her classes. (You should check out her own amazing before and after photos!) They started in the fall, but since I had a newborn and was still physically healing from childbirth I gave myself permission to not think about exercise until the New Year (and also to eat thrice my body weight in shortbread). Well, January has come and one of my goals for this year ahead is to lose 30 pounds (in a smart, slow, sensible way) and also to finally get fit and toned. Enter, BOOT CAMP. A new round of classes is just beginning, so I signed up.

I went to my first class yesteday at 6:30 in the morning. I am usually up feeding Brinley around that time anyway, so it’s not as awful as it sounds. I crept out of the house into the dark, winter air and drove to the class. I was nervous: I felt fat in my stretchy pants, would they laugh at me once I was out of breath after the first three minutes of exertion?  Would I toot? (Yes, I did…sorry, Tannis.)

The music started pumping and we began the class, focusing mainly on legs, butt and abdominal exercises. It was HARD, but Tannis was so encouraging and I kept on pushing. At times I felt discouraged that I was as exhausted as I was, but you’ve got to start somewhere, right? After 50 minutes, the work-out was done, I hobbled to my car and drove home, feeling elated and proud. I go back on Friday.

I took a “Before” photo, which I will NOT be posting until I have made a few steps towards an “After.” Stay tuned for more griping about my aching quads and an upcoming photo of my tight rear-end! You know you want it.


  • Ooooh!!! Good for you! I did the Adventure bootcamp at 5am last year….it was HELL but so worth it. We can’t wait to see your after pics!!!

  • YAY. I just posted about my first ever! group fitness class this morning too, and I am in such deep smit with it, I can’t even tell you. I signed up for another class at 6:00am tomorrow! I’m trading sleep for working out and I’m SO EXCITED about it.

  • YAY FOR YOU!!! Wow. I can’t wait until I can go. I’m looking forward to hearing about how it continues to go for you!

  • Good for you! Whoorl’s transformation is amazing! I know you can do it too!

  • “Will I toot?” hahaha!

    Way to muster up that will power and do this!

  • I can’t wait to join you this Friday! WOOHOO!!!

  • Yay for you! I went to boot camp for a month and although I didn’t see as amazing results, it was a great stepping stone to a 25lb weight loss.

  • Yay. Fun. I’m kinda jealous. I almost signed up for a bootcamp last fall and didn’t and now I’m feeling like I should have because there’s no way I can fit one in for the next year and a half. Yay you! Good luck! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  • That sounds awesome! Have you ever tried Curves? It is an amazing workout. Women only. I’ve been a member for 11 years. It’s a circuit workout and it’s resistance training. And it’s only 30 min! I’ve found that when I work out at curves 4 times a week and then use an eliptical on the off days (or some other form of cardio) that it makes a huge difference!

  • Yes, we want that after photo of the booty! Haaaaha on the tooting, you know that everyone signed up has birthed at least one child, right? Many of us have three? Yeah, we get that. There are regular rushes to the loo during anything resembling jumps (including me). You worked it hard, I was totally impressed!

  • Good for you, Amanda! I’ve always been a cardio queen but in the last few years – as my body gets that wee bit older – I really see the benefits of bootcamps and weight training. I started Crossfit last summer and it is kicking my butt but feels great.
    Can I also say I am a bit jealous that you are now done with pregnancy? Your body is yours now. Enjoy it!

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