Little O' This

Things You Might Not Know If We’re Not Friends on Facebook

Ooo, it’s been an eventful week! The other day I drove over a SHOPPING CART with our huge-ass truck in the grocery store parking lot. It was as graceful as one might imagine. Thankfully no real damage was sustained, but the license plate is a bit crumpled.

Then last night I heard Avelyn creep out of her room in the night and I walked into the nursery to see her sitting on the gliding rocking chair with her undies around her ankles, a puddle of urine spreading on the carpet beneath her. She was sleep-walking and thought she was atop a toilet, not a rocking chair.

I have been loving the free coffee that McDonald’s is giving out and am giving away a $50 gift card over at UrbanMoms. Just leave a comment and be entered to win! Wahoo! Only 14 people have entered thus far so your odds are really, really good.

The Real Estate course is tougher than I thought it would be. Truth be told, I thought it might be a one-page overview on how to unlock a front door and do a grand sweeping gesture to showcase the kitchen or something. Turns out there’s actually a whole heck of a lot to learn. And it’s great timing because I’ve just got all these free, quiet hours in the day that I was wondering what to do with.

I’ve been hit with a really bad cold/flu this past week. It began with just feeling a little “off” (achey, tired…wait, I’m always tired) then my throat became so sore I had to brace myself for every swallow, I lost my voice almost entirely, my sinuses filled up with thick, sludgey phlegm, and now I have a cough. Blech.

Brinley’s not a huge fan of sleeping in her crib and would prefer to snuggle with me on the ghetto mattress in her nursery. It’s OK for now, but I’m wondering if we’re headed for really bad sleeping patterns like we faced with Karenna. Thoughts?

I have officially squeezed this bootylicious rump back into my pre-pregnancy jeans! Sure, there are mounds of flesh hanging over the waistband but I am proud nonetheless.

That there’s my week. How’s yours been?


  • i think this would be called a muffin-top but i’m not sure because i’m in total denial of my own muffin-top so i choose to wear tents for clothing.

  • Sounds fantastic;) I’m still co-sleeping with my number three. We’ll see how this pans out when I finally get the courage to try and break it. For now I will enjoy the snuggles because I’m back to work and need my sleep.
    Hope you feel better soon!!

  • my number 3 also still likes to sleep with his head in my armpit. I figure we’ll roll with it while it’s working for everyone. I never hear him when he wakes in the night. Hubby always does and fetches him. Once we’re both ready to really lay the sleep smack down, we’ll go for it. until then, we need a bigger bed.

  • I’ve never slept, even a minute, with any of my kids. I’d prefer to be hanging from an uncomfortable rocking chair, with a baby between my knees up ALL NIGHT.

    I kid you not. ALL NIGHT. Not a good morning.

    Loved the Real Estate thoughts. Made my day!

  • I think you’re super fabulous! Really, truly!

    And congrats on the jeans!!!! Displaying self-control while sleep deprived? You really ARE superwoman!

  • That is a big week.
    My twin was a sleep walker. My mom always busted out the best/most embarrassing stories about it when guests were over. Save the nursery puddle incident for when her first suitor is over for dinner =)
    Congrats on the skinny jeans and I wouldn’t worry too much about Brinley wanting to snuggle all night with you. I say that I am into the whole Attachment Parenting bedsharing thing. And I only have one child so far. And you’re probably itching for the first full night of sleep in years. I’m sure you’ll get some ideas and tricks from other commenters =)

  • My goodness. Your life is NEVER boring, is it? This week … well, let’s just say I HATE WINTER and leave it at that, okay?

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