Here is my little clown baby, dressed in her crazy polka dot pants, feeling gravity’s pull. (I know many people have an aversion to clowns, and truth be told I’m not really a fan of the white-faced creepy things either, but you must admit the pants, while a tad circus-y, are pretty cute.)
She can’t really stand unassisted yet but I’m all about making her look more advanced than she is.
It’s so hard to not play the “Let’s Compare Our Babies!” game, what with all the tiny ones running (or sitting) about. “So-and-so started rolling over at three weeks old!” “What’s-her-face taught herself Italian from the internet while in the womb!” and so on. I know I buy into it at times and, of course, I marvel at Avelyn’s every minute milestone. (For the record, she is learning to wave hello.) But it really is true that every child is so different and it’s not worth comparing those differences and feeling either a heightened sense of pride if your baby is “ahead”, or the concern or fear that something is wrong if your child is “behind”. I don’t know where I’m going with this. All I know is that sometimes I get together with all of my friends and it feels like all we talk about is baby this and baby that…the topics range from the consistency of their bowel movements, to how many minutes they slept the previous night, and the state of their development. Again, I know that, to a degree, it’s natural for us as SAHMs to talk a lot about our kids because that’s what we’re focusing on all day long. But like my friend, Christy, said, we should also make a point to talk about current events. Like Britney’s shaved head or how the penny might be abolished.
Cutting edge stuff.
Love the pants… They didn’t scare me one bit : )
Even us working moms talk about baby stuff when we get together with friends. I think it helps us feel like we are not alone. We are not the only ones that thinks our baby’s crap is facinating (sometimes). But then there are moments when we move to adult talk like Brittany’s latest hair style, and you wonder what’s what more interesting. I vote for baby poop. PS: I love Avelyn’s pants. SOOOO Cute. Miss you AManada. Maybe coffee at the Beanery some time.
I, for one,think Avelyn is PERFECT! I enjoyed your visit yesterday, but you’re right – we talk too much about baby stuff sometimes. I honestly don’t feel like those of us with babies here in town are in competition – at least I’m not. I think all of our babies are equally amazing!
Maybe we need a girl’s night out with all talk of babies banned?
The pants are awesome! Now is the time for her to wear them when she gets to be our age it doesn’t work quite the same.
Baby talk is good to a certain extent it does make you feel like you are not alone, but like you said we need to remember that every baby is different.
I say we keep the penny!
Cute!!! Avelyn is adorable, “standing” and all!
so happy you mentioned “britney” in your post. Now I feel free to do the same without feeling like such a lame-o.
Avelyn looks super cute… she does polka-dots very well :)
I agree with you. Even though I am very interested in talking “baby” with people, right now I’d much prefer to talk about why on earth Britney would shave her head and such. That poor girl.. I kinda feel bad for her??
Children do develop at such different speeds. They really cannot be compared to one another because eventually it all equals out anyways. I doubt by the time that their teeth start falling out we won’t be saying ” so and so’s front tooth fell out at 5 years old, how old was your kid when that happened?” ;)
Good post! :)
I think they all even out in the end..those that walk first, talk last…its some Murphy’s Law, isn’t it?!
Britney is crazy…I feel sorry for her kids.
So true. I hate the competition between parents, even though I’m guilty of it too. I was planning on doing a post similar to this today with a slightly different spin. Maybe I still will.
Avelyn is ADORABLE and the pants are really cute.
She is just so adorable. She’s perfect.
She’s adorable!!
Well, you know i LOVE me a good ol Britney convo. But, I also lurve me some baby talk too. They’re just too cute and precious not to talk about. And remember all children will do things at their own pace. Just enjoy her where she’s at instead of worrying where “those people” say she should be.
I could not agree with you more!
I have some girlfriends (and a sister) who all we talk about is how humungo their children are or how advanced they are and all I feel like saying is- really, who cares!!!!!!!!! Or, actually no! Your kid is not “advanced” because when you claim to hear him say “dolphin” he is actually saying, “duh-duh”.
The pants are great! And she is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy said that those that walk first, talk last and that’s totally going to be true in my house – D’s not into vocalization as much as his peers – they are all so different. What matters is that we mums (working or not) get to see our babies grow and discover and change every day. That’s the cool bit, not what order they do these things in!
Hey, when a baby is a pretty as your little one, she can just sit there and grin and folks would be fussing over her!
My oh My!
I cannot believe tiny Avelyn is THIS BIG! Oh sob, I feel like I’m missing out on her growing up. When are you guys moving to Vancouver!!!
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