Just as Avelyn outgrows one neon baby toy it is replaced by another, even bigger, more brightly coloured piece of playtime equipment that threatens to take over my living room. The latest addition is the dreaded exersaucer. It is noisy as she stomps in it, it is cumbersome and takes up a whole corner of our main room, and its bright colours don’t exactly match our earthy, sage green walls. However, I LOVE THE EXERSAUCER. It keeps my girl occupied and stomping happily away for up to a half-hour, freeing me up to pick the lint out from between my toes or get caught up on my bon-bon eating.
Lately I have not been able to stop chewing my fingernails. They are in rough shape, my friends. The fingertips are red from all the gnawing, the cuticles have been ripped to shreds and I just cannot stop making the jagged edges of my poor nails even more so. Help.
I have been walking again, now that I have a new appreciation for the mild Summerland winters after spending a few weeks in torment (otherwise known as Regina, the city where it’s so cold you freeze your nuts off, even if you don’t have nuts). The fresh air is so invigorating and Avelyn loves the stroller and taking in all the sights.
I am officially done pumping, too. I had cut down to one pumping session a day and decided to call it quits. Little did I know I was about to have a date with Mr. Engorgement for about a week. It was baaad. But the footballs gradually became grapefruits, which in turn shrunk to baseballs, followed by golfballs, and eventually left me with…very tired looking pancakes. They might be floppy and get tucked into my belt now, but they are my property again and it’s nice not to have to look at the clock and say, “Golly, it’s time to hook myself up to this electric pump and have the milk wrung out of me again.”
It seems like among the breastfeeding crowd there are two camps: those who profess that nursing helped them lose all their baby weight and while they were breastfeeding they became dainty waifs; and then there are those who claim that it wasn’t until after they finished breastfeeding that those last 10 pounds just melted off.
It seems that both camps are DIRTY LIARS.
Isn’t it “great” how ALL their toys just take over everything! I try to contain it to only a few rooms of the house but sometimes it get a little out of hand.
I am starting to wean now too it is slow going but so far not to much engorgement thankfully. :)
I must admit that much to my surprise I was/am in the “first camp”, and I am not lying, and it has to be the breastfeeding because I haven’t done a thing otherwise.
Amanda you make me laugh!
She is such a doll. I love the latest picture!
Then there’s my weight loss strategy. Get the stomach flu and spew fluid out both ends of your body. Though I would never wish that on you :)
Look at her hair! Sorry you couldn’t make it today. Soon,though? Emily misses Avelyn…and I miss you :)
Great post Amanda. Micah has the same excersaucer too. And he loves it. Glad to have you back on the web again.
She’s so dang cute I can’t stand it.
What formula are you using?
I can’t get my little one on a formula that she won’t throw up/make her constipated. She still prefers breastmilk.
Is there one that is close to breastmilk?
How about the 50 pounds I gained after weaning the first time?
Don’t you wish there was baby equipment that matched nicely with your decor?! So far, I’ve avoided an exersaucer but it would come in handy, I’m sure.
BTW, Avelyn looks so grown up in that picture! She looks like a little doll!
We have a pile of unattractive toys in our livving room too. But when they’re babies you can keep it to that corner, toddlers take them everywhere, so you still have that to look forward to.
I lost the last five pounds by the same method as Angella – and it was miserable!!!!
Avelyn looks like she’s having a fantastic time. Duncan plays with one at nursery and seems to enjoy it too…
Congrats making it 7 months! No pumping + exersaucer = minutes and minutes back in your life :)
I thought I was the only one who had issues with the baby “gear” not matching our decor!!! The bright and colorful plastic makes our house look messy even when it isn’t!!! Can’t stand it!
Our living room definitely looks like a baby/toddler lives there but having that exersaucer to get a few things done is definitely worth it!
Avelyn has grown, look at her all grow’d up! Can’t wait for our fresh air high tomorrow!
I *love* the exersaucer; it is a gift from above. She’s adorable (as always).
I SWEAR I lost my 50 baby pounds breastfeeding – and now I’m down 10 more as of month 7 feeding the little one.
OK, maybe I was a little chubby before getting pregnant …
I’ve heard stopping is both sad and liberating. Enjoy your pancakes, Mama!
the nail biting is a constant battle . . .anyone who figures out a way to conquer it – fill me in!
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