

The ultrasound went well yesterday! I had never had an early ultrasound before and was amazed by just how formed our little baby already is: heart beating, arms and legs flailing about, and he/she actually had the hiccups. My dates are a little behind, which is what I expected. Instead of the 11.5 weeks the calendar shows, I am measuring more like 10.5 weeks, which is fine. My due date will probably get bumped ahead a bit (boo!) but that’s fine, in the grand scheme of things.

Last night I made The Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Spaghetti and it wasn’t as awesome as I had hoped it would be. It was fine, but I guess my expectations are always super high for her recipes since when they’re good, they’re goooooood. I have been really enjoying the return of my appetite and we’ve been having some pretty delicious dinners now that the morning sickness has (mostly) passed: pad thai, lamb stew, chicken with spicy peanut sauce, and apple pie (a la mode, of course) for dessert. BOOM! Food is good.

My new post is up at urbanmoms.ca and if you take a gander, you’ll read about the worst thing anyone has ever said to me while I was pregnant.


  • Mmmm… that chicken with spicy peanut sauce woulf hit the spot right now! Glas to here you’re feeling better!

  • Canned cream soups give me the wiggles. But The Pioneer Woman is just so badass, I’ll avert my eyes this once.

  • One thing I cannot do is eat pie with ice cream. I need them separate (AM WEIRD).

  • I would agree that PW’s chicken recipe is average. While I have tried several of her recipes, I don’t find them to be out of this world delicious! I love her blog though! I also have 2 girls around the same ages as yours, I think your oldest and my youngest are similar in temperament! And for that reason alone, I am DONE! Congratulations to you on your pregnancy, I really enjoy your blog!!

  • I also LOVE PW but have to agree with you on that recipe. I tried it once and was quite a bit underwhelmed, especially after all the delicious ones I’ve tried from her site.

  • Yeah for a happy ultrasound!

  • I use PW’s Chix Spaghetti as a jumping off point–ditch the pimentos, add extra onions and lots of garlic. I usually double the recipe and pop one in the freezer.

  • Whew! So glad the sonogram went so well!

  • Being the “Queen” of complicated and high risk pregnancy, we actually saw Reid at 7 weeks! He looked like a piece of rice with a flashing heart beat.
    The twins we started seeing (every 3 weeks or so) starting at 8 weeks. So incredible! It’s also amazing how quickly they grow!!

    I have a very good chicken spaghetti recipie. It uses the Classic CLASSY ingredient Cheese Whiz. However, it’s awesome. Let me know if you want it.

  • Definitely agree with you on PW’s Chicken Spaghetti. She has some great recipes, but that is not one of them.

    I love that you are posting links to your pregnancy blog on Urban Mom’s. I’ve been following your journey to motherhood since the beginning, and think it’s amazing you guys are on #3! I laughed when you wrote (paraphrased) “it sucks right now, so why not get it over with and go for the third!” Oh my.

  • I laughed so HARD reading your other post. Boss Hogg. Hilarious. That Steve and his Dukes of Hazard. SO funny.

  • I’ve never heard of Pioneer Woman… I’ll have to look into it :)

    and omg! I can’t believe someone said that to you (ie the Boss Hogg comment)…

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