Avelyn is finally feeling better. Her chest is still full of rattley phlegm but her fever and ear infection are gone. We didn’t bother hitting any of the New Year’s parties we had been invited to as we were all tuckered out from caring for a screaming, sick child. Instead we popped open some sparkling apple juice, watched a movie and ate some guacamole. We rang in the new year on Saskatchewan time and went to bed at 10:01 pm. Party hardy, baby!
haha. Sounds similar to our night, although we did manage to stay up until midnight in our own time zone. ;)
Steve is cool.
Our night was as exciting, and involved pajama pants, fried food and a couple of movies. We almost missed midnight, because we were too focused on lounging about like bumps on pickles.
I’m glad little Avelyn is feeling better. Poor baby (and poor you!)
Glad to hear Avelyn is feeling better. Belle is a party animal and would have lasted longer than us, we left the party at 12:30, but I’m sure in the future we’ll have more at home New Years than out.
fancy apple juice and loved ones…sounds perfect!
Sounds like a nice cozy New Year’s Eve. Glad your baby is feeling better.
That’s a great shirt :)
I like that shirt too! You have a cute bro.
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