My Girl

Where My Girls At?



Avelyn is a beefcake.

Compared to Danai and Olivia, that is.

But all those newborns are quickly catching up to my girl. Emily is over 12 pounds and Olivia tips the scales at 10. Avelyn weighed in at 14 lbs 12 oz today at the doc’s so perhaps her mites of friends will even pass her in the new future.

Avelyn is doing well. She continues to be a good sleeper during the nights but keeps me guessing during the days. One day she’ll take a four hour snooze, the next she’ll steal two 20 minute catnaps. I am perpetually on my toes, guessing what she’s going to throw at me next.

She loves it when I sing her silly songs, she loves to laugh as I inch my fingers up her rolly thighs while humming the Pink Panther theme, she often poops with such fervour that no diaper can contain the explosive fury, her eyes are still blue but when you hold her to the light you can see flecks of green and brown under their surface, she in is the midst of a love triangle with her soother and her fist and is often torn between which would be the best thing to suck on, she can grasp toys and ram them in her mouth, she drools so much she wears a permanent bib, her fingers look like chubby carrots, she doesn’t mind getting her fingernails trimmed, she is indifferent to rolling over…she HAS done it but can’t be bothered to perform very often, she likes Rolo and he likes her, and she is stealing a bigger chunk of my heart every hour.

I love this girl.


  • She is such a sweetheart, Amanda.

    And I just love Olivia & Danai’s outfits. ;)

  • Awww.. she’s such a doll!! What stylin’ kids!

  • she’s GINORMOUS! well, compared to the last time i saw her.

  • I don’t see enough of those girls, or their mothers for that matter. They are growing waay too fast. I can’t believe all that Avelyn is doing now! I think she is the cutest thing- I love the twinkle in her eye.

  • They are so cute together there. So much fun that you gals were having babies at the same time.

  • Such a great picture and Avelyn update. I was great hangin’ out yesterday, glad Avelyn didn’t get squished! Yikes!

  • Thanks for bringing her over today (and yourself too)…this visiting every couple of weeks thing is too far apart!

  • Awww.

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