Farmin', Little O' This

Lazy Taters

I planted a garden this year. Well, more of a garden than I had ever planted before, but still quite piddly and forlorn in comparison to what yours probably looks like.  It’s been a humbling experience and here’s what my harvest estimate includes: three carrots, one head of (very wilted) lettuce, four peas and a SCHWACK of potatoes. I watched a YouTube video on how to plant potatoes and it wasn’t messing around! We’re going to be eating a lot of frites this summer!  

A garden reminds me that I am lazy. That I am a procrastinator. That I take things for granted and then they die. How uplifting. Maybe that’s why I kind of hate gardening. I want to love it, since I’m married to a farmer who can manage to keeps thousands of apple trees alive and thriving while I glance at a houseplant and it shrivels and I am pretty sure I hear it scream before it dies. I think the biggest thing holding me back is my lack of knowledge about the simple things, like how deep to plant seeds, what should be planted next to what, etc. The other problem is that I am a little too lazy to try to figure it out. Hence, a three carrot harvest.  

But go, potatoes! 

What do you wish you were better at?


  • Your potatoes are lovely! I dream of having a garden one day (though I will likely be rubbish at the actual gardening part.)

  • I also wish I was better at gardening…

  • I wish I was better at just about everything. Cooking, cleaning, being a good mom. I’m not crafty at all, I’d love to become better at that, maybe be a scrapbooker, card maker or whatever…I’m just not very good at anything really. However, I was very good also at growing potatoes. I cut three eyes off a potato in my cupboard, planted them and just kept heaping on the dirt as they started coming up. I got about fifty pounds off those three eyes…LOL. Good job Amanda, you look totally comfortable in the garden.

  • My carrots have never been larger than my pinkie, tasty, though tiny and not worth the effort…so I switched to flowers and onions this year. But what do I wish I was better at? Maybe laughing at the world a little more. You’ve always been someone who can find or create humour in everything around you, whereas I seem to get bogged down in my seriousness sometimes. I think that is a real gift to those around you, a gift to me.

  • hey, what do your edit your pics with? do you just use photoshop? or something else?

  • Nice taters!

    I wish I was better at seeing projects through. I start things with such enthusiasm but then I just get distracted or I hit a little roadblock and decide to quit. Actually, now that I think about it, that could apply to more areas of my life than I realized. Hmmm….

  • Nice spuds! Mine haven’t even bloomed yet. As for carrots, I don’t think this is their year as mine and everyone else’s I know stink.

    I wish I was better at exercising…and showing some resemblance of self-control where food is concerned.

  • Your taters look great! If you have too many, you can try canning them…

    I wish I was better at following my dreams and standing my ground. And just about everything else…

  • I’m not going to tell you what those potatoes look like. Let’s just say it reminds me of something nursing related…i’ll let your imagination do the rest :)


  • having patience with my 5 year old! and making my quiet time (with HIM) a priority (He certainly knows I make my own quiet time a priority!)
    and way to go with the potato crop!!!

  • One word. (over and over again) Hahahahahahahaha!

  • you make me laugh. Thanks :)

    so – have you checked in with that local paper again lately? Your writing is too good for “just” the blog world :)

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