Hungry Mondays, Weight

Hungry Mondays, Week Three: This Is Gonna Take a While


Last week:  155

This week:  154

I started out strong this week and lost a bit of motivation towards the end when I saw that the scale was barely budging, despite my commitment.  I stayed within my points and only had one real temptation battle:  it was last night and I knew I had barely lost any weight again this week.  I was cutting Steve a piece of bumbleberry pie for dessert and, even though I don’t even like pie, I felt the urge to ram half of it in my…wait for it…pie hole.  But I didn’t.  I walked away and sulked instead.

I think I had some unrealistic expectations about my first few weeks on Weight Watchers.  I thought I would lose close to ten pounds in the first month since I’ve heard of others who had that kind of success early on.  But it seems like this race of mine is going to be slow and steady right from the start.

I also started my period yesterday (you’re welcome) and I know that there is probably a little fluid retention and hormonal stuff going on, so I am hoping that next week I’ll have a slightly bigger loss to report.

I am kind of dreading Christmas, which is so sad.  Normally I start perusing baking magazines in November and drooling over the recipes I plan to bake for the holidays.  This year I don’t really want to have dozens of treats lurking in my deep freeze, for fear that I’ll answer their call at midnight and devour a pan of nanaimo bars in 3.2 seconds.  Anyone have some festive ideas for carrot sticks?  Or something jazzy to do with whole wheat toast?  Didn’t think so.  I think that for the actual week of Christmas I will not make myself count points and will instead enjoy the holidays in moderation.

Last night I was laying in bed and I moaned to Steve, “I’m fat and hungry!  That’s the worst!”  At least if you’re skinny and hungry you feel all proud and in control and like the hunger is worth it.  Hungry and fat is no fun.  All the pain, but none of the glory yet.

I know I shouldn’t use the “f” word (fat) since it’s derogatory and not true.  I may not at my ideal weight, but I am not fat.  It’s just so hard to be satisfied since I worked so hard to lose the weight last time I was on WW so until I am at my goal weight again, everything just feels hopelessly flabby.  It’s all so relative.  For most of my married life I weighed between 145-155 and I felt fairly happy there.  I knew I could stand to lose a few, but I felt attractive and healthy.  But now that I’ve tasted the sweetness of 135 I refuse to settle for anything less (err, I mean, more) than that.

So.  That’s Week Three for you.

Same time, next week.


  • Wow, it’s hard to hear you be so hard on yourself. Everytime I have run into you you have looked beautiful! Don’t forget that you just gave birth. Be proud of your body.

  • Lord, I know what you mean about “fat & hungry.” Your experience is inspiring though, as I know I’ll be in the same boat in just a few short months.

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  • I know I know, it’s so hard when you’re getting started! Over here it’s the playgroups that get me as there’s always tea and cake for the mums (and fruit and water for the kids – total double standard, I love it!). I do think it’s cruel that you’ve got to watch Steve eat pie though – as long as I serve Cory a bigger main portion than me, he’s always too full for pudding so I don’t get tempted….

    Good work though and glad to hear you’re going to relax over Christmas :)

  • Hang in there. Those people who lose 10 pounds in the first week are probably people whose previous eating habits left a little more to be desired than yours. In any case, you ARE still losing weight, and you are doing it in a healthy, sustainable way. Just keep up the good work and you will be at your goal weight in no time. You are already not far off it (and look beautiful in every picture you post).

  • sorry dude. that sucks. i’ll race you to see who can finish a pan of nanaimo bars first!

  • ohhhh…don’t dread Christmas!!! can’t you indulge for a couple of weeks, and just lengthen the time it takes you to get to your goal weight???

  • You can do it! You have that will (that your daughter inherited), and you have done it before.

    I think it’s the hormones that are the issue with the scale this week. I predict a better week next week.

    Up for a Diet Coke one day this week?

  • Well, I’m on a diet too…so I’m there with you. :)
    The reason you aren’t shedding weight more quickly is because you have less to lose. Oh, and being on your period may have some to do with it as well. But the more overweight you are, the more weight you’ll lose in the beginning. I know it’s still discouraging, though, so hang in there. And drink LOTS of water. :)

  • I know that when I’ve got my period (overshare coming) I gain about 2-3 pounds in just water weight. I bet you’ve lost more than you think. Also, you just had a baby; think of all the other gals (a.k.a. me) who are trying to lose some poundage and didn’t just give birth.

  • …some days I’m holding onto the Weight Watchers wagon by a fingernail. Other days I’m holding the reigns. Today? I’m under the wagon, eating a donut.

  • I admire you for sticking to it – I’ve tried WW and I know it’s not easy!

  • Hey girl,
    If you’re craving holiday spices, try this. I eat it for breakfast quite often, and at first I thought since there is no sugar it would be disgusting, but it’s actually quite satisfying.
    I get a packet of instant, regular (no sugar or flavoring) oatmeal, mix in a handful of raisins, and a good dose of cinnamon. Sometimes I even add some nutmeg. I use a good amount of the spice. It’s really good for you, and suprisingly tasty, even without the sugar!
    You can DO this! You’ve done it before. You’re beautiful self is so inspiring to the rest of us.

  • Hang in there – you know what they say about slow and steady…
    But I’m not looking forward to the holiday food this year either – my body seems to be reacting negatively to just about everything I put near my mouth these days, so no wheat, dairy or sugar for me. Fun!

  • Slow and steady. Slow and steady. You’ll get there! (And you HAVE to because I’m going to need inspiration soon!)

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