My Girl

I Do Not Like the Afternoons

My angel baby has developed a distaste for the afternoon hours.  As soon as one o’clock hits she gets a little fussy.  The fussiness then progresses to incessant sqwaking which, in turn, morphs into full-blown baby rage.  I am hoping this is just a passing phase.  My afternoons are swallowed up trying all sorts of strange ways to soothe her. 
The swing makes her mad.  The Baby Bjorn ticks her off. Offering her milk is the ultimate insult.  She wails in her crib.  She freaks out while on her tummy. The soother?  She gags on it dramatically before launching it out of her mouth.  I finally toss her back in the swing and pop the bottle in her mouth.  She gulps back the boob juice, but only so long as the swing is moving.
Crazy kid. 



  • Anders is acting the exact same way! It’s like he realizes he’s a great sleeper at night, so he must torment me during the day. I just got him to fall asleep in his crib after 45 minutes crying/soothing/crying/soothing.


  • you are describing exactly how Harrison is acting now. His fussy time is from 3-5pm. Nothing works. We just have to wait for the time to pass. At least I know he’s not the only baby out there acting this way!

  • I can’t believe that perfect child has now joined the ranks of every other average baby! I guess it was too good to last. At least she’s still sleeping all night….& still perfect!!
    L, Granny

  • Ah, something for me to look forward to in a couple of months :)

    You can rest easy – she’s perfectly NORMAL!!

  • Isn’t the fussy time hard, even though 80% of the time is spent in heaven?? I don’t want to offer unsolicited advice, but with Belle I found that the only thing to soothe her fussy time was to be outside. It’d take a few minutes in the stroller but I’d pop in some headphones and ignore the strangers and in no time she was calm. She may just be like her mom who gets cabin fever 12 months of the year, but I thought I’d share my experience and maybe it’ll get your creative juices flowing to figure out how to stay sane. But, fussy time does pass!! Honest.

  • Ohh I remember the “fussy time” all too well,
    I would repeat over and over….This too shall pass, this too shall pass. It works, if you repeat it enough times they stop :)

  • You will be in some kind of ‘passing stage’ for the next two years straight. If you have another baby, add a few more years to that.
    Luckily, you won’t be short of mom friends who can relate.

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