Happy Birthday to my baby girl! I can’t believe what a whirlwind the past year has been. She went from a babbling, compliant baby who could not walk unassisted to the beaming, strong-willed, fire-cracker I spend my days sprinting after.
Her birthday party was a smash hit…there was cake, balloons, presents and all shared in the company of family and a few good friends. We are lucky to have such great people in our lives to spend these days with.
This next year is going to be very different from the last in that Avelyn is going to be a big sister. Sometimes I am frightened by the magnitude of the new baby’s arrival and all it means for our family, but I know that Avelyn will thrive as a sibling. I get to enjoy her, all by her lonesome, for a few more weeks. We’ll watch the rest of the summer disappear as my belly grows and when the fall comes, we’ll both be getting used to having a baby sister around. Until then, there are water balloons to bite.
And curly tendrils of pigtails to adore.
Happy 2nd birthday, Avelyn! We love you with everything.
Happy Birthday, Avelyn.
The years will keep on going by faster and faster! Happy 2nd birthday Avelyn!
Awe! Happy Birthday, Avelyn! :)
Happy Birthday! What a cutie! I really like the last picture of her. She looks like such a big girl!
Happy Birthday Avelyn. Love the curls. Love them!
Happy Birthday you adorable little girl!
wow, i can’t believe she’s already 2! Happy Birthday Avelyn!!
Wow. Two! Already!
Happy Birthday Avelyn.
Happy Birthday Avelyn!!
I love her curly pigtails.
Happy Birthday Avelyn!
Happy Birthday Avelyn!!!!
Happy Birthday Avelyn!!!! Two years has gone by so fast.
Happy Birthday cutie!
Happy birthday sweet darlin! You are the best!We love you so much and are so glad that you had a great birthday.See you when you get to be a big sister.
Can you believe she’s two? She is just too cute! Happy Birthday Avelyn!
Happy Birthday to our virtual triplet in Cyberland!! As we celebrated our twins birthday yesterday, we thought of Avelyn fondly and I silently wished her a happy birthday as my girls blew out their candles…
I’m so glad you all had a good day :)
She’s adorable. HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY AVELYN!!!
Happy Birthday Avelyn!
Wow, she looks so much like you already in the last picture! What a cutie.
Awww! Happy Birthday Avelyn! I love the first picture, it’s adorable!!! Avelyn is going to be a great big sister!
Happy Birthday, Avelyn. And tomom and dad…for two years since officially becoming mommy and daddy. We’ll have to try for a playdate one day soon?!
She has so stinkin’ much personality. It KILLS me.
Happy Birthday Avelyn!
Happy Birthday, Avelyn!
And Happy Birthing Anniversary to Avelyn’s mommy.
I can’t beleive she’s 2 and I’ve been reading you since well before she was born.
She’s a beautiful girl! I can’t wait to hear all about her as a big sister. Happy birthday, Avelyn.
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