Avelyn and I are in Regina at my parents’ house for a few days. My mom had been experiencing grandchild withdrawl so she flew the both of us out here so she could get her Avelyn fix. If there were some way to let a 21 month-old fly on her own, I am sure she would prefer that option because while she’s kind of happy to see me, she is in a state of euphoria to behold the wonder of her granddaughter.
Avelyn seems to have a distaste for the prairies, however. Whenever we come here she is a total turd. A big, grumpy, pain-in-the-neck, why-are-you-ruining-this-trip turd. Today we went shopping and after a couple hours she had a total meltdown. I was trying to share some of my ice cream with her and she just started freaking out. The life of a toddler is tragic: shopping at gunpoint and being force-fed ice cream.Â
The thing is, the past few months have been a lot better as far as meltdowns and whininess go, so I am not used to her being such a brat again. She did fairly well on the airplane (excuse me while I go and hug the portable DVD player that got us through those three hours in the air) but since arriving here she has been kind of a terror.Â
I guess she is just more sensitive to change than I expect her to be. At home our daily and weekly routines are fairly steady, she sees the same faces, and she knows what to expect. Perhaps she’s just feeling overwhelmed by the new place, being carted around to strange homes and malls, and the insulting offer of ice cream.Â
If some happier moments are made, I’ll post a few photos. I didn’t think to pull out the camera while she was foaming at the mouth, tantruming in her stroller at the food court, so stay tuned for some less rabid photo ops in the days to come. Â
Sorry to hear about the turdy-ness of the princess but your re-cap had me rolling on the floor nearly wetting myself.
Wait…maybe that’s from the turdy-ness of my princess.
Either way I hope she comes ’round.
I can identify. My daughter has almost always been a little turd in foreign cities since she was two months old! I just sigh, appologize to those affected, and try not to give in to her antics too much.
From what I hear (and from a tad of experience myself) it’s best to get all the “terrible twos” crap up front. I hear kids that coast through 2–3–4 are pretty rotten at 5.
Besides that, my kids are not super-great travelers. So I understand how you’re feeling at the moment.
She was an absolute delight at the park this afternoon. Maybe she just needed a day to get used to things?
SO glad you are here!!
Amanda, I am coming up to Regina on Friday after work, will you still be around!?! Would love to see you – only if you have the time, if not don’t worry about it!
oh, my, yes. the turdiness of 21 months in a different city…and with lots of grandparent spoiling…took mine weeks to get back to normal. :)
Hahaha!!! Sounds like fun! Hope Avelyn is on her best behaviour for the rest of the trip!!!
Welcome here. It would be nice to see you!
Perhaps at church? Reid’s getting dedicated at the 10 o’clock service.
I’m sure your mom is glowing!
Sorry to hear that our girl has grown fangs! Thank goodness that grandparents love them no matter what. And we all know Avleyn is a sweet pea (most of the time)Have fun with the fam & say hi to all.
She’s just out of her routine. I hope today is better!
I missed our Thursday morning play date today :)
I’ll say a little prayer that she gets over it fast, and you guys have an enjoyable few days. I find as my girls get older, the easier transitions are made. Have a great time with your mom!
Hi Amanda,
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years now – your blog is so entertaining!
This comment doesn’t reflect as a comment to your last post – but I thought I would give you inspiration for another blog….
When you were pregnant with Avelyn – she was named ‘kickyboots’ – does this baby have any characteristics yet? Your website name might have to change to something like ‘Kickyboots and Wiggleears’…. (or whatever characterics are suitable..)
Just an idea :)
I hope you are doing well! Keep blogging!
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