My Girl

Sixty Dollars Well Spent

Today I went to the big city with a very pregnant friend of mine who needed to buy sone baby essentials.  It was so fun to browse at all of the high-end baby boutiques and gawk at the absurd prices ($700 for a high chair!  It’s the brand that Angelina and Brad use so it must be cooler than cool).  It’s kind of nuts just how many luxury items there are out there and how parents are willing to take out a second mortgage so they can afford the most rock starish stroller.   And today I joined their ranks and shelled out $60 and bought a Bumbo for Avelyn.  She looks so cute and grown up in the little lilac chair.  I thought Steve would think my puchase frivolous but when he saw her sitting in it he simply smiled. 


  • OMG, those cute little pants.

    The big city? I didn’t know there was a big city near the orchards.

  • A bumbo! What a cool idea. She looks so adorable & soooo grown up already. Don’t grow too quickly our sweet Avelyn!!

  • She looks so cute! I’m glad she liked it. I’ve known babies who’ve loved those and some who’ve hated them. Looks like Avi is a lover. :)

  • I’ve been wanting to get one of those for Harrison…does Avelyn like it?

  • I’ve seen these around and have been wanting to know if parents really like them. I’m glad you like it because maybe I can justify it when I buy one. By the way, she’s ADORABLE!

  • Amanda, I think that might just be the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love your little girl so much.

  • So, so cute!!

  • What a doll!!

  • Oh my,she is just too cute!She doesn’t look at all like she did as a new born–I can hardly wait to see her and hold her(for hours)when I see you ina few weeks.Cute chair,but that’s only because of who is in it!!Love you!Is her hair getting lighter in colour?It looks a little blond in the pic.

  • I hope my baby is as cute as Avelyn! It was a good purchase. How could Steve not like it!

  • So cute, I have been wanting one for Jaia since our last trip up to K’town, and I just order one online from (weird hey?) the other day, it should be here anytime. Aren’t they cool???
    Again, I love Avelyn’s outfit! It looks really sweet on her.
    She loves the bumbo, yay!!!

  • Very very cute! I love the expression on her face.

  • I don’t know what it is, but those Bumbo things freak me right out. There too…curvy, or something. Gives me the creeps. Wickedly cute baby, though!

  • we got one too. Micah is a bit too small for it though.

  • That is way too adorable! She looks so content to pose for the camera too!

  • She looks so adorable. Look at that gorgeous smile.

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