Here be Farmer Brown:
Steve has been working his already petite butt down to a nub! Like a madman he’s been stripping the apple trees of their ruby treasures and piling together thousands of pounds of the goods. He is tired, and I am tired just watching him. Yesterday I went down with noble intentions of lending a hand in the field. I had Avelyn in her stroller and began to pick. Seconds into my harvest she commenced squawking. So I squeezed her into the Baby Bjorn (yes, it was way too expensive but it helps my vertebraes to not feel like grinding death) and she was mildly content in there so long as I rhythmically jostled her and bounced around. A little hard to pick apples and bounce a fussy baby on one’s belly. Owell, we got a cute picture out of it:
I went back inside after about an hour and played with Avelyn. She is growing and changing every moment and it’s amazing to me how much she’s learned in the past seven weeks. Her eyes are always wide and bright with curiousity, her neck is building up strength enough to support her massive bobble head, and she is full of coos and smiles that melt my heart.
I love your Bjorn! Great pictures of a beautiful happy family. :)
Awww… she looks so cute on her apple blanky!
Adorable family pictures! Soon you’ll be chasing her through the trees wondering where the immobile days went. How crazy is that?
She just gets cuter! Can’t wait to see her on our lunch date!
I LOVE your babyBjorn, so much cooler than our boring black and red (not my choice, it was the only one they had!).
Avelyn is getting so big, look at her sweet chubby tummy. SO CUTE!!!
Let’s Walk!!! :)
Great pictures Amanda. Avelyn is adorable.
You guy are the cutest!
She is such a sweetheart. It was such a joy to see you three at church on Sunday and even to be able to craddle sweet Avelyn in my arms was a blessing. Dana and I were discussing names and he said he loved the name Avelyn and where did he hear it before?!?!? Men are funny.
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