My Girl

Baby Got Bac(ne)

Gone is the smooth, alabaster complexion that once graced my baby girl.  She’s got zits now.  And a lot of them. 
She’s still cute, just more so when not in direct light.
  (I kid.) 
Even with tiny pimples dotting her button nose, her plump cheeks and even her three chins, she’s still the most beautiful baby.
You know it’s true. 


  • Poor baby. Maybe she’ll have all her pimples when she’s a baby and skip out on that terrible part of adolescence.

  • The chins make her CUTER. And zits are par for the course – just pretend they are freckles :)

  • Amanda,
    That happened to Harrison almost two weeks ago (it was mainly on his face unfortunately) They’re just now beginning to fade.

    Black and white photographs work wonders!

  • I hear that giving the baby water to drink works just like an ounce here and there between feedings…I don’t know if it actually does..because some parents don’t give their kids water and I can’t give the babies what their parents don’t give them!!!
    I think it worked on one child but it just may have been a fluke

  • Could she BE cuter? Welcome to the world of baby. Pimples, scratches…perfect skin is very, very rare on a baby. She’s beautiful. The outfit you picked out is beautiful.

  • This can be a sign of food allergies in her to something in your diet. This made my little cousin miserable until her mom figured it out. Common culprits are cow’s milk, citrus fruits, wheat, etc. But she is gorgeous anyway. :)

  • I had totally forgot about the baby acne days, until I started scrapbooking. Belle looks like a totally different person at one month than she did at birth! But they are all so precious and it’s just the outside that’s scarred for a bit. I’m sure Avi’s smile makes it all pale in comparision.

  • What’s her testosterone level at? I smell a doping scandal.

  • My little girl got acne on her face at about 4 weeks too…but not only did she get it on her face, it covered her head, back of her neck and in her ears. It looked awful but it does go away. They still are beautiful though aren’t they? BTW, what is the site where you found your invisible stat counter…gotta get me one of those!

  • I’m sure she’s still adorable. It probably won’t last long.
    To JK’s comment…Baby acne is caused from hormones. The baby’s hormones are seperating from that of their mothers. It’s perfectly normal and absolutely all baby’s get it. Some worse than others, but it’s always there at some point. Not much you can do about it but wait it out. It goes away all on it’s own.

  • Her little feet are the cutest thing I’ve seen in ages! Nice to see her in person (and you too) Thanks for dropping by!

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