If you were to comb through my very distant archives you would find many a post featuring Rolo, our wonder pooch.
Steve crept back into the darkened bedroom to give a good-bye kiss to me and Avelyn. As he turned to leave he mentioned, "Rolo barfed all over the stairs.
The afternoon was young, the sun was out, and my baby’s tummy was full of milk. The timing was perfect for me to venture out for a stroll through my neighbourhood. I zipped Avelyn into her snowsuit.
I have mentioned in previous posts about how Rolo is a hunter and enjoys eating marmots, birds and random rodents. It’s gross, but it keeps the pests under control.
This is the outfit that I brought to the hopsital in the hopes of taking Avelyn home wearing it. When I tried to slip it onto her tiny, newborn frame I realized it was a tich too big.
Jen’s parents and their two and a half year-old daughter are here visiting from Saskatchewan.