He almost made it to 15.
Rolo has been with us from almost the very beginning of our married life. We scooped him up when we were so young, we barely knew ourselves, let alone each other.
He almost made it to 15.
Rolo has been with us from almost the very beginning of our married life. We scooped him up when we were so young, we barely knew ourselves, let alone each other.
Rolo is almost 14 years old.
I have told him that he has to live to be 35, so we’ve still got a lot of good years with him left, but life with an aging hound is kind of weird.
Not quite sure how this happened but: it’s December.
I haven’t written in a long while, but that’s OK. I have been living life.
I think I need to go on a couple’s retreat. With Rolo.
The Christmas baking has begun! Here’s what I’ve tackled so far: Sugar Cookies, Coffee Toffee and Vanilla Bean Shortbread Sandwiches With Orange Buttercream Frosting.
I’m guest posting today at The Daily Grommet about how I’m having relationship problems*.
*With my dog.