Since my doctor’s appointment last Monday I have been motivated to continue to eat healthily and gain this baby weight at an even and moderate pace.
The year after graduation I did a year of Bible school at Capernwray Harbour on Thetis Island, BC. It was a wonderful year filled with great friends and terrible food and island dementia.
Sheesh, you bloggers are a demanding bunch! As per your requests, here is a photo of Bretta and Cody Turner on their wedding day in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
This is an excerpt from an email I sent Steve this morning:
“Hey there, Stevie! How are you doing today, toiling away at the mounds of paperwork? Hope you’re doing OK and that you get lots done.
So, I am about 96% certain that I felt the baby move for the first time last night.
Today I got to hold a three month-old baby girl all morning. One of the ladies who volunteers at the church counting the weekly offering is also a nanny and had to bring her little charge with her.