My daily visit from one of the quirky ladies from town was espcially funny today. She was telling me about her cat, one of her many. She said, “My cat’s name is Oliver but my son calls him Jelly Bean.
I am proud of my pregnant belly. I am happy that we live in an era where women aren’t forced to wear homely tent dresses to shield their blossoming bellies.
The new stroller, one of my new outfits, and a new day.I wanted to try to cram Rolo into the stroller but decided against it. He looks much classier just standing on his own.
So, we did it.
I, along with three brave friends, hopped into the pool last night for an hour of calculated flailing and kicking and bouncing in the water.
It was great!
There were about 12 people in the class.
Yesterday I had my very first butt massage.
To be politically correct, perhaps I should call it a lumbar massage, so my massage therapist doesn’t get fired for misconduct.
My brother is finishing his stint in Europe by travelling around Spain and Belgium. He has strict orders to bring me back a few good pounds of Belgian chocolate, and he had better deliver.