My mom and I? We like to shop. When I was a preteen we would spend our Saturdays at the mall, sipping sodas in the food court and buying the essentials for each change of season.
Today I had lunch with Rae. We have known each other for over 15 years but have done an atrocious job of keeping in touch since graduation.
The pregnancy dreams have been getting weirder. Last night I dreamt that I had the baby and she had to stay at the hospital for a few weeks. But I kept forgetting to go and visit her.
So, I made it. Here I am, sitting at the computer in the basement I grew up in. So much is the same, but so much is different.
Back in January I booked a flight to go and visit my family in Saskatchewan. Prior to the booking, I called Steve up and said, “I’m thinking about going to Regina from April 22-29.
The view from our deck this morning.A nearly 7-month pregnant me, budding apple trees, and sunshine gleaming off the lake.