The results of our ultrasound were so exciting, but the tech did tell us of one small thing that she found.
No siree, there was no wiener in sight at the ultrasound today! The technician told us that she is almost positive that we’re having a girl, as she got an up close and personal look at our baby’s privates!!
Last Jen came over and I suggested that we bake something sweet, like ginger cookies.
I am feeling better today. I was able to get up out of bed and not feel the need to curl up and die, so I took that as a positive.
I am sick today.
For the past week I have been waking up with a raw and scratchy throat that tended to better as the days went on. But yesterday the sore throat lingered. And worsened.
Last night Steve and I went out for a lovely dinner to celebrate our looooove. While we were waiting for our meals to arrive, we exchanged our little Valentine’s gifts.