My Girl

Making Waves

I tried to do my hair like Whoorl’s today.  It kind of worked.  Here are some photos of my wavy, Whoorly ‘do and the innocent child I tend to drag into my self-portraits.



And here is proof that she is learning the names of her body parts.  OK, the name of one body part.  I have tried many times to capture proof of her knowledge of the location of her tongue but whenever I pull out the video camera and point it in her direction she stares vacantly at me, her mouth gaping and a trickle of drool escaping from its side. I promise that just before I snapped the picture below I asked, “Where’s Avelyn’s tongue?”


I’m calling Mensa today and making her a member.


  • The hair looks hawt! And Avelyn’s as cute as ever.

  • your hair looks totally whoorlishly beautiful! wow! love it

  • Ok, so I’ve wanted to try that hair style as well, but never know how to achieve it – how did you do it???

  • Ok I’m delurking… I’m friends/ colleagues with C. Spicer and she got me hooked on your blog on night shifts. I have to admit a day is not complete without a visit to your site. You have the most beautiful family and your pictures always bring a huge smile to my face!!

  • Love the hair!

  • You both look gorgeous! When I moved out after getting married I lost all priveledges of my mom’s curling iron and haven’t bothered to buy myself one yet. I miss curly/wavy ‘dos. I think I’ll buy one this weekend.

  • Can she do your trick of touching her nose with her tongue,like getting it right in the nostrils?That’s a Mensa trick for sure!

  • Cuuute! Okay, that does it; I’ve GOT to try to make my hair do that.

  • Thats freaky… I tried to do my hair like whoorl’s today too!! It did not turn out as nice as yours though, so the hair ended up in a ponytail, and there are no pics. Maybe next time. Good job on yours though!!!

  • Both hairstyles are awesome!!!

  • Found you via Whoorl and enjoy reading your blog.

    I too tried the Whoorl hair, lets just say there are not any photos for a reason. It looks great on you though!

  • I love it!!! I actually bought Whoorls curling iron and it has made all the difference, my hair looks way better, I just havne’t had time, energy or desire to take photos of it yet. Keep the waves, you look sassy molassy!

  • Oh, I think your hair looks pretty!

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