• Good job.

  • Ok I just read your Dec 30th blog! Holy batman – shock and awe. You are one ferrrrrrrrtile lady. Congrats and all the best.

    P.S. I think three is such a nice number!

  • Hey there — just wanted to second your comments on Connected Parenting. I first read about it on your blog, and was intrigued enough to look for it. Neither of our girls are what I’d call “challenging” but I loved the idea that we could connect more with them, and also suspected that possibly some proper attention now might head off issues later. So far I’d give the book and the approach a big thumbs-up. Our oldest (3.5yo) is exploring her limits and as such has shifted from the entirely adorable toddler she was, to an occasional crank, and the simple approach of scooping her up and cuddling her has made a big impact on her behavior (which, I’m afraid, she inherited from me, not from her mom).

    In any case, your blog is a new find for me and I’m enjoying it. Thanks, and keep writing.

    Also, good luck with the latest project! I can’t imagine having 3!!

  • […] kind words for the Connected Parenting book from Amanda of Kickyboots posted on Work It […]

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