Family Matters, My Girl, My Girl 2.0


The holidays just seem to keep stretching on as we’ve had more great company this past week.  Steve’s sister, Kaile, and their mom came up for some post-Christmas visiting and a great time has been had by all, hence there’s been no time for blogging since I’ve been too busy living real life (a novel concept).

Here are some of the photos that Kaile took this week:


Jolie is getting so big!  Almost four months old already.  It seems like just yesterday I was a grumpy beluga, a week overdue, stuffing my face with chocolate and whining about how fat I was.  Now she’s here and she’s just so lovely and it was all worth it.  I’d hate to know that chocolate went to waste.  Her sweetness must have come from my dedicated indulgences.


We all went to the community swimming pool (this was Avelyn’s first time back since the dreaded “let’s scream as soon as I touch the water and keep screaming until I am removed from the premises” incident when she was nine months old) and it was such fun.  Avelyn was a little tentative at first (all those repressed memories resurfacing, I suppose) but after a few moments was splashing and sliding and didn’t want to leave.


There has been more snow falling in recent days but the temperatures have been milder so we were able to get out and enjoy the white stuff.



The fun had to stop some time, I guess.

Happy New Year to you!


  • Great pics! i love the one with kaile wearing the “i just shaved a yak and put it on my head” hat. Score!

  • Have I mentioned how envious I am of you, your life, and your family :)? The girls are adorable, and you all look like you are having so much fun in your pictures. Happy New Year!

  • Hi, I’ve been reading for awhile, but this is my first time commenting. I love your blog, and that is such a cute picture of you and Jolie in her bundly little snowsuit!

  • Keep doing, what you’re doing! You all look fabulous.

    Love to you all, and the absolute best wishes for 2009!!

  • Oh, that baby stuffed into a snowsuit and then stuffed into a bjorn is KILLING me. What beautiful girls you have!

  • Jolie looks like the little brother in The Christmas Story in the snowsuit — I can’t put my arms down!!!!

    So cute.

  • So cute! I love that last photo where it looks like Avelyn is a little bit grossed out or something!

  • Jolie is hardly recognizable in that first picture. She looks so big! Actually, I think she looks like baby Danai in that shot.

    Girls are cute. Glad to see Avelyn bundled up in Abby’s old snowsuit. ;)

  • Gosh your family is growing up so quickly! Jolie sure reminds us of Avelyn. Happy New Year to you all too!

  • Awww!!! Such sweet little girls you have! Jolie is getting so big! She definately looks like Avelyn :) I love the picture of you and Jolie!

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  • Jolie really looks a lot like Avelyn in that first photo. She’s growing up so fast!

  • Wow, I’m a great photographer. Ha ha.
    So fab to hang out with the lovely Brown fam again!

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