Little O' This, Pregnancy

Perrier Is Scary, Eh?

Upon discovering that I am growing a baby in my belly, I made the decision to cut out Diet Coke for a while. At least for the first trimester. I know Diet Coke is the devil in a bottle, what with the aspartame and caffeine and hard to pronounce chemicals, but I love it. I cherish the dark burn of the first sip, the thick, bubbly fizz, and how it keeps me from eating a dozen cookies when those afternoon munchies hit. When I have a Diet Coke, I usually only need seven cookies as a snack. Baby steps.


I want to give this child as healthy a start as I can, so for the next few months I’ll be drinking this when I get a carbonation craving.


If you hold your breath while you swallow, you can almost forget that it tastes like urine.

It’s pretty disturbing, but I am willing to endure if it means I can experience the tingle of carbonation without the aspartame and caffeine. Who knows, maybe I’ll even acquire a taste for Perrier and give up Diet Coke altogether.

It looks like people who drink Perrier live pretty happy lives.perrier-print-c10070239.jpeg

“If you drink this horrid water, love’s embrace will find you.”




  • Wow. I might need to start drinking Perrier ;)

  • That’s awesome of you. While I’m trying I’m a big Diet Sprite drinker. And Crystal Light. And chocolate milk. I wish I had the kiddo to go along with the healthier drinking. But it’s working for me for now :)

    Best of luck to you dear!

  • Good luck giving up the habit. My drink of choice has ben Diet Cherry Coke and I can proudly say that I gave the stuff up over three weeks ago and am no worse for wear.

    Have you tried any of the slightly flavored sparkling waters that come in flavors other than lemon or lime? They may be a bit more palatable than jumping straight to Perrier.

    Seven cookies–good for you. Even with the diet soda I was still taking down at least a dozen ; )

  • Argh. I hate spelling mistakes, been is obviously what my tired fingers were trying to type, not ben.

  • When I moved to Austria I HATED mineral water with a passion. But somehow that metallic/mineral taste grows on you…weirdly enough. I think you might like San Pelligrino – in the green can (it’s called “limonata” – it’s the lemon-lime flavour). Give it a shot…seriously. I’ll send you the money for it if you hate it…again, seriously.

  • I think you found me… if you’re the Amanda who just commented on my blog. I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I think you’re great. You’re daughter’s cute, too :)

    Anyway, I had to comment on this one. I gave up caffeine when I was pregnant (more specifically Diets Coke and Dr. Pepper…*drool*). I think Perrier is a great substitute. I lived in Europe for a couple of years and I grew to love the stuff. But when I was pregnant, I switched to lemonade. I guess I’m still switched over because I’m nursing and therefore still on the caffeine fast. Good luck to you and congrats on number two!

  • you could also have sprite or 7-up mixed with some kind of fruit juice. i’ve taken to serving myself one or the other with cranberry in a wine glass, and it’s so fancy, you almost forget you’re depriving yourself!
    also … if your cookies are chocolate, they totally have caffeine in them. i know, talk about a heartbreaker.

  • Hilarious. That ad is very,,, ummm… yeah, I don’t know.
    I agree… juice and 7-up. yummmmm.

  • Hi Amanda, I too have been trying to avoid pop, and got into San Pellegrino (you can buy big boxes of a dozen bottles at Costo) (I think it’s like Perrier, but I like it better) I mix it with a bit a juice – takes the edge off. Usually that 100% juice stuff by ocean spray. A bit healthier…. P.S. I got onto reading your blog by recommendation of a friend who I think knew you at Capernwray??? Love your blog.


  • soda water and cranberry juice with a twist of lime – tastes yummy and it’s fancy enough that you won’t miss the diet coke

  • Try lime and tonic. Tall glass. Ice. Squeeze in a 1/4 lime, and top up with tonic water. It’s sooooo fizzy. And refreshing.

  • halarious, but parrier tastes like poop. my mom drinks it by the tons..ewww

  • ps: i know you are familiar with my extreme diet coke addiction, but i gave it up for my entire pregnacny, and it got easier, but once she was out, the first thing i asked for was a tylenol and a diet coke :) hahahaha

  • i love san pellegrino too! i love the orange-flavored one. i won’t send you money if you don’t like it though ;)

  • I drink club soda with juice, that way I get the carbination and some sweetness.

  • I too love San Pellegrino. I love squeezing lemons and limes and adding lots of ice. Also, I just had an Orangina the other day and loved it. Very fizzy and refreshing. Try it :)

  • Yummy!!!!! I would have a hard time giving up my rootbeer for special water – but GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!

  • I agree with the other commenters…lemon or lime definitely makes it better. And ice for sure. When we were in Europe they only serve it “with gas” at restaurants so we got used to it. Now I actually like it. I know what you mean about the sodas. I did the same thing when I was first preggo.

  • Amanda,
    First I must say I LOVE YOUR BLOG. This is the first time I’ve ever commented but I’ve been reading it for months now.Congratulations on your pregnancy. I’m not sure what sodas you have up there in your part of Canada but when I was pregnant with both my son and then my daughter and throughout the year of breatfeeding both,I drank caffine free Dr.Pepper and caffine free Coca Cola. I’ve never really been big on diet drinks but I have to tell you both of these drinks taste the same as the original. Best of luck.

  • Amanda,
    First I must say I LOVE YOUR BLOG. This is the first time I’ve ever commented but I’ve been reading it for months now.Congratulations on your pregnancy. I’m not sure what sodas you have up there in your part of Canada but when I was pregnant with both my son and then my daughter and throughout the year of breastfeeding both,I drank caffine free Dr.Pepper and caffine free Coca Cola. I’ve never really been big on diet drinks but I have to tell you both of these drinks taste the same as the original. Best of luck.

  • Sorry about the double post:)

  • You don’t like fizzy water? Ok, I don’t know if you have Fred Meyer where you are but if you do, they have an organic, low-sodium fizzy water in tons of flavors and I heart it. I too drink fizzy water to avoid soda. Anyway, I love berry flavor and there is a citrus too.

  • Over here in Scotland all us pregnant ladies drink fresh orange and soda at the pub (about 1/3 orange juice, 2/3 soda water). It’s really nice, healthy, and my toddler doesn’t like it (so I get to drink it). I think others have suggested this combo too – try it instead of the perrier (which I now like, but didn’t at first).

  • Hi Amanda,

    I read your blog now for a few months and I love it. I am very happy for you that you are pregnant again. Good for you to cut out the diet drinks. Yesterday I saw on TV that these light-drinks make you fat as well. It aren’t the calories, but you have a taste of sugar, so your body makes on insulin to break down the sugar. Since there is no sugar added, this insulin will make you fat. I am not sure if this is really true, but perhaps it makes sence. Here in The Netherlands everybody drinks Spa water and Perrier or San Pelegrino is really posh. We drink this in fancy restaurants… Strange that is is a common drink in the US and Canada.

  • “I cherish the dark burn of the first sip, the thick, bubbly fizz…” I’m so right there with you! That is the perfect description. Oh, I can taste it now! With my pregnancy I gave up my (admittedly horrible and truly addicted) 3-4 cans-a-day habit and kept up the self-denial for the first 7 months of breastfeeding. I really thought I was off the stuff.

    Then I allowed myself “just one” and as soon as I had that “dark burn” again, I couldn’t stop. I only have 1 a day now, 2 if she’s been up all night with teething pain. “Sweet sweet nectar of the gods” is what I call it :)

  • I love fizzy water with lemon juice, lime juice, pretty much any type of added fruit flavor. It’s delish. So refreshing in my opinion. They make this product called true lemon and it comes in little packets similar to a sugar packet, you can sprinkle it in your tea, water, anything and it adds a lemon-y taste to your drink. They also have true lime. If you can’t find it, and want to try it I have tons of it and can send you some. I wish they would come out with a true cranberry, and true raspberry… now that would be cool :)
    And good for you for giving up what you love for your new babe, you’re one rockin’ mama!

  • That is too funny. Perrier IS pretty gross. Why don’t you try to mix it with juice?

  • Have you tried flavored bubbly waters? Those taste a little better than Perrier because at least they have a sweet, fruity taste :)

  • Um..considering the baby growing inside…I do believe love’s embrace has found you and spawned! :-)

  • I had the same dilemma about 5 months ago now. Try squeezing a lime wedge into it; it tastes much better that way. I’ve always kind of liked Perrier though, but my husband didn’t and he’ll drink it with the lime.

  • perrier = vomit.
    just sayin’
    i TRIED it during pregnancy also when i couldn’t drink anything without feeling sick. that was the #1 Quease inducer

  • I love club soda with lemon, or lime, or Rose’s lime cordial (has a bit of sweet to it). Another good trick that I love is club soda with frozen fruit (blueberries, or strawberries or raspberries — I’m sure you have some cherries somewhere). The frozen fruit acts like an ice cube, but flavours the water a bit, and then you can eat it!! yum!

  • I love San Pellingrino limonata. Fizzy, lemony, no bitter water taste. Yum.

  • Wow. Good for you. I’m pregnant too (almost 36 weeks with #2!) and sadly, I have been drinking Diet Coke nonstop almost the whole time.

    There. I said it. I’ve confessed and gotten it off my chest.

    I do still feel kind of guilty though.

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